Sabbath Keeping Churches in Kenya
Man must worship YHVH the Father in spirit and in truth. At the end of this age, the truth is going forth to those in Kenya through the servants God has called to do His will and accomplish His purpose.
The Lord is establishing Sabbath-keeping churches in Kenya despite Satan the adversary (the father of all lies) doing his best to hide the truth from the people of East Africa.
Below is a group shot of some of the leaders of the Sabbath-Keeping Remnant Churches of God (SKRCG):
(left to right):
Aron Kinja Kiugu - Pastor from Meru
John Barta - Pastor from Shankoe
Moses Suki - Pastor from Enooretet
Jeremiah Momenyi - Board Member from North Kisii
Cornelius Kigen - Pastor from Chebole (short one in front)
James Opio - National Bishop and Chairman of SKRCG (tall one in back)
Jackson K. Olekoreo - ???
Francis Kubania Ringera - National Bishop of SKRCG from Nairobi
Jackson Kipirir - Pastor from Olenkaroni
John Silas Merube - National Trustee of SKRCG
Unknown (back row, partial view of head)
Julius Lenkume - National Bishop of SKRCG from Shankoe
Unknown - (back row)
Jonah ??? - Pastor from Shankoe
Unknown (back row, partial view of head)
Stephen Gisa - Deacon from Narok
Unknown - (back row, end)
For more information on Sabbath-keeping congregations in Kenya, please review the list of congregations to see if there is one near you.